مرجع کنکور ایران

دانلود رایگان نمونه سوال جزوه و تست کنکور

آزمون درس ششم زبان انگلیسی پایه نهم


در این بخش آزمون درس  ششم زبان انگلیسی  پایه اول دبیرستان زابرای شما عزیزان قرار داده ایم.



1 – Your father is a doctor , …..?
1) isn’t he 2) don’t he 3) doesn’t he 4) didn’t he

2 – You cant drive a car,………..?
1) don’t you 2) do you 3) can’t you 4)can you

3- They play football at school on Fridays,………?
1) do they 2) don’t they 3) did they 4) can they

4-…………is some bread on the table, isn’t there?
1) it 2) they 3) that 4) there

5-she doesn’t understand the sentences ,……?
1)did she 2) does she 2) does she 4) can it

6- They must speak English in class,…..?
1) couldn’t they 2) shouldn’t they 3) mustn’t they 4) don’t they
3) mustn’t they

7 – you were very busy yesterday,……?
1) were you 2) did you 3) weren’t you 4) didn’t you

8 – I can’t see anything because the room is very………
1)dark 2)dirty 3) hot 4) nice

9 – ……….rises from fire.
1) could 2) hot water 3) smoke 4) steam

10- James built the first engine,………..?

1) does he 2)did he 3) do he 4) didn’t he

11- The students come to class everyday,………?

1) does he 2) doesn’t they 3) do they 4) don’t they

12- The teacher speaks English very fast, ………?

1) doesn’t she 2) do he 3) didn’t she 4) did he

13- She came late, ……..?

1) doesn’t she 2) is she 3) was she 4) didn’t she

14- A new airport ……… next year.

1) is built 2) was built 3) will be built 4)will be build

حتما بخوانید:  دانلود رایگان نمونه سوالات ریاضی پایه نهم

برچسب ها:+++

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